1. Always have your Leather Bags dirt free.
Leather is prone to attract dust, grease, and smudges. This alters the quality and loses the leather from inside. Wipe the leather bag with a wet cloth of water. Use enough amount of water because leather takes time to dry up. Pay specific attention to the hardware too as they require special care and might begin to rust after long exposure to water.
2. Use Specific Leather Cleaners and Conditioners
It is advised to use cleansing products that are created particularly for leather because other chemicals can be damaging to your leather bag. You can use a leather conditioner to moisturize the leather bag after.
3. Eliminate Dirt and Stains Quickly
Wipe off any dirt as soon as you notice it with a wet cotton cloth. The exterior of the leather bag is open to dirt and dust every day. Cleaning the dirt is a crucial action for its preservation. Use of chalk powder is an excellent solution to fight the troublesome specks of dirt like sauce and any other organic materials. Apply the crushed chalk powder on the stain for a couple of hours then dust it off after it absorbs the stains.
4. Fill leather bag with paper and bubble wrap
If you seldom use your leather bag, fill it with some paper or bubble wrap. This hack will maintain the original frame of your leather bag unimpaired. This will restrict your bag from warping or any additional wrinkle.
5. Store the Leather Bag with Care
Keep in mind to put your leather bag in a fabric before stashing it in your storage. Wrap the hardware with a piece of clothing. Remove the straps and buckles to avoid any malformation. Stock the bag in its comfortable position to prevent from any stress.
6. Use a Protective coating
This type of coating is normally oil-based and will keep your leather bag looking brand new for a long time. The coating will give protection to your leather bag from stains, oil, ink etc.
7. Never Use it Brutally
Remember that Leather bags must be used gently. Dodge misusing or over-stuffing it. Forcing too many stuff in the bag will cause the internal fibers to tear that will result in malformation and damage.