Every problem has a solution. Surely, this bag problem haunts you till now so worry now more, here are the best hacks you can do to have a mess-free and easy-breezy purse situation.
1. Get All The Stuff Out
Yup, everything. Don't hesitate and pour everything out of your bag. This way, you will know exactly what you're dealing with. You might even be surprised by the things you didn't know were in your bag all this time.
2. Downsize to a Smaller Bag
Changing to a smaller bag will help you a lot in the decluttering process as you will need lesser than what you usually bring before. This will also allow you to locate things in your bag easier as you there is lesser space to search around.
3. Retain The Essential Items
Identify the items you use every day - keys, phone, wallet, etc. These items must be added first as they are the most important. Refrain from extra ones like duplicate lip color. Only bring the one you use the most.
4. Lessen Your Wallet's Contents
See to it that your wallet is not as big or stuffed as your bag. Try shrinking by going back to the first three methods, 1.) take everything out, 2.) use a smaller wallet, and 3.) only keep the essential items.
5. Bring Travel Size Products
Carrying products like lotion or perfume in their regular bottles will steal you tons of space. Try using compact sized products or containers that are suitable for everyday use especially on travels. This will not only save you lots of space but will save you from carrying the extra weight!
6. Arrange Your Bag Accordingly
Each bag is designed with pockets and these are created for a reason. Try making use of all the division and pockets. For instance, try putting your phone on the front pocket, your wallet on the side pocket, and so on. This way, you will get familiar with each item's location thus making it fast to get them when needed.
7. Sort Out Your Receipts
You might not know that you are already keeping tons of receipts in your bag. This is natural since we tend to put it automatically in our bag on every purchase or payment we make outside every day. So try minimizing this clutter and know what are the ones to keep and the ones to discard. Try using a small pouch if you must keep the receipts.
8. Restrict the Amount of Makeup
Girls want choices especially on makeup that's we tend to bring more than what is needed. To declutter, only bring the makeup that you actually use. As much as possible, only bring products for touchups like lipstick, mascara, powder, and oil blotters. See to it that you do full makeup before leaving the house.